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Date   : Wed, 13 Mar 1985 22:12:06-PST
From   : Christopher Ho <Chris%ECLD@usc-ecl.ARPA>
Subject: HDS

I must take exception to the warning about HDS terminals.  We have
~10 HDS Concepts (the older one with the bettter keyboard), and
although we have had some failures (apparently one particular
capacitor on the video driver board), I have yet to see a nicer

Amber screen, 80/132 columns, 4 pages of memory standard, line and
printer port (which can be configured as a second line), fully
programmable function keys.  There is an option for even another
line, thus accessing 3 different systems.  This has got to be the
best feature, as I often have to access several systems at once,
and logging in/out is a royal pain.  Only problem could be price,
but you get what you pay for!
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