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Date   : Wed, 20 Mar 1985 11:59:34 pst
From   : "Gerald S. Key" <key%marlin@nosc.ARPA>
Subject: File Xfer on DecMate 

A colleague wants to transfer a file from the CP/M side of a Dec-
Mate  II  to a VAX running 4.2bsd Unix.  The VAX has UMODEM, XMO-
DEM, & KERMIT available.  He says he's tried MODEM730 &  MODEM740
he  got  from a BBS that are supposed to be configured for a Dec-
Mate II but cannot get them to work.  They work  OK  in  terminal
mode but will not transfer files correctly.

Any suggestions?


     MILNET/ARPANET >-------------------- key@nosc.arpa

             ihnp4  \
             akgua   \
     UUCP    decvax   -------------!sdcsvax!noscvax!key
             dcdwest /
             ucbvax /
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