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Date   : Sat, 23 Mar 1985 19:35:00 MST (Sat)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: Byte magazine programs and files available

I have received some messages from people who cannot handle binary or
squeezed files.  In order to make the Byte magazine files available to
everyone, I have unsqueezed some files and "ascify'ed" others.  The
originals remain for those who can use them.  Beware: some Basic
programs use LF-CR as the "continue on next line" end-of-line squence
instead of the usual CR-LF.  The ascify'ing process may alter these
special end-of-lines, requiring some editing by the user.

Here is a new list of filenames, file types (binary or ascii) and CRCs
(for those who have CRCK to check them).  I have marked the new
unsqueezed and/or ascify'ed files.

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

Directory MICRO:<CPM.BYT85JAN>
BYT85JAN.LBR.1                 BINARY   10752  90FFH
FACTOR.BAS.1                   ASCII      500  4337H
NOSQUARE.BAS.1                 ASCII      322  DB53H
PRIME.BAS.1                    ASCII     4343  0CF0H
PROGRAMS.JAN.1                 ASCII      391  7CDAH
SWEEP.BAS.1                    BINARY    2944  CAAEH
SWEEP.BAS-ASCII.1              ASCII     2790  F8F0H  <---
TUNE.BAS.1                     BINARY    1792  796BH
TUNE.BAS-ASCII.1               ASCII     1562  4A03H  <---

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

Directory MICRO:<CPM.BYT85FEB>
BYT85FEB.LBR.1                 BINARY   37504  7B66H
C-TO-PAS.C.1                   ASCII     2834  FF4CH
FOUREXT.BAS.1                  ASCII      276  7085H
FOURIER.BAS.1                  ASCII     3530  3167H
FT.BAS.1                       ASCII     2182  C356H
FTEXT.BAS.1                    ASCII      262  7FB7H
HEATSUB.BAS.1                  ASCII     5151  1B24H  <---
HEATSUB.BQS.1                  BINARY    3072  CA91H
IBMPROGA.BAS.1                 ASCII    19312  5DDFH  <---
IBMPROGA.BQS.1                 BINARY   11392  9B16H
JANUS-L1.LST.1                 BINARY     896  F827H
JANUS-L1.LST-ASCII.1           ASCII      730  989FH  <---
JANUS-L2.LST.1                 BINARY    1024  1526H
JANUS-L2.LST-ASCII.1           ASCII      784  330BH  <---
JANUS-L3.LST.1                 BINARY    1152  1B20H
JANUS-L3.LST-ASCII.1           ASCII      988  49A3H  <---
MODEL3D.BAS.1                  ASCII     3288  2B06H
PARANOIA.DOC.1                 ASCII     6279  F78BH  <---
PARANOIA.DQC.1                 BINARY    4352  4FFFH
PROGRAMS.FEB.1                 ASCII     1165  CCE0H
SIGEN.BAS.1                    ASCII      896  9056H

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