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Date   : Mon, 25 Mar 1985107:16:00-MST
From   : fleigto%wr1for.DEC@decwrl.ARPA
Subject: QwikKey version 2.1

I was dismayed to read the bug reports on QK20 on SIMTEL20 - I didn't 
realize anyone was having trouble with it.  I think I have fixed its 
operation for at least most of the cases cited - it certainly works 
well with SD97 now anyway.

QK21.LBR contains the files QK21.UQD, QK21.DQC, and QK21.COM.  It is
now available from SIMTEL20 as:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

Directory MICRO:<CPM.TERM>
QK21.LBR.1                     COM       9344  E97AH

Please let me know if you have any trouble this stuff.

          Tony Fleig, KF6XH

Here is what's new in QK21:

 o  QwikKey Version 2.1 contains a complete re-write of the 
    installation routines in an attempt to make QwikKey 
    compatible with a greater number of other programs, 
    notably the SD97 directory program.

 o  The REMOVE command has been added, allowing users to 
    remove QwikKey from memory without resorting to a cold 
 o  Usage instructions are displayed if QwikKey is 
    invoked with no arguments on the command line.
 o  Messages are displayed indicating that key definitions 
    have beed loaded or saved when those operations are 

 o  Undefined key escape sequences are now passed unaltered.  
    In the previous version, everything but the escape 
    character was stripped, leaving only the escape 
    character, thus programs prepared to accept the raw key 
    sequences failed with QwikKey installed.

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