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Date   : Mon, 25 Mar 1985 19:41:16 GMT
From   : Chuck McManis <cem%intelca.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: S-100 disk system upgrades - info request

> Well, I haven't messed with the System 3 that we had at my old
> job, but it seems to me that we had nothing but troubles with both
> the Persci 277 and 299 drives. They were constantly gouging diskettes.
> In addition, both the 4FDC and 16FDC controllers we had were constantly
> sent in for repair. I would stay away from any of these items.
> John Hight
> SRI International (john@sri-tsc)

I have used a system III with a 16FDC and a persci 299b rather extensively 
for nearly a year, and in the process developed a cp/m bios for it that
put both the drive and the controller though heavy use and have never even
had a Read or Write error trap. (Which means no error that wasn't recovered
in the 5 retries that the BIOS allows for). As above it is only one persons
experience but I have been quite pleased.


                                            - - - D I S C L A I M E R - - - 
{ihnp4,fortune}!dual\                     All opinions expressed herein are my
        {qantel,idi}-> !intelca!cem       own and not those of my employer, my
 {ucbvax,hao}!hplabs/                     friends, or my avocado plant. :-}
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