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Date   : Sat, 30 Mar 1985 01:51:00 MST (Sat)
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: RCPM-060.LQT phone list of all known RCPMs updated

The latest list of all known RCPM (Remote CP/M) systems is now
available from SIMTEL20.  If you cannot FTP and you are not already on
the list to automatically receive updates of RCPM-xx.LST, please send
a note to me and I'll add you to the mailing list.

Filename               Type     Bytes   CRC

Directory MICRO:<CPM.MISC>
RCPM-060.DQF.1         BINARY    4480  A8F5H <--DIF file if you have 059
RCPM-060.LQT.1         BINARY   41472  B4FCH <--the new list

Usenet: ...!decvax!brl-bmd!w8sdz
  or    ...!unc!brl-bmd!w8sdz
  or    ...!seismo!brl-tgr!w8sdz
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