Date : Mon, 08 Apr 1985 16:52:11 pst
From : "Todd H. Ogasawara" <ogasawar%marlin@nosc.ARPA>
Subject: generic Kermit-80 binary xfer ok (thanks)
Thanks to all who responded to my question about binary transfer
using generic Kermit for CP/M-80. Rex Buddenberg supplied the
big big clue to my much sought after answer. I am embarrassed to
say that the following is all that needs to be done to make
binary transfers work.
C-Kermit side
set file mode binary
set parity even {never thought of changing
from none to even!}
Kermit-80 side
set file-mode binary
set parity even {default is none}
I've tested sending and receiving a couple of binary files. Seems
to work fine. Thanks to all who sent suggestions!..todd
Todd Ogasawara, Computer Sciences Corp.
NOSC-Hawaii Laboratories
UUCPmail: {akgua,allegra,decvax,ihnp4,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!noscvax!ogasawar