Date : Mon, 08 Apr 1985 22:57:06 GMT
From : Kenn Barry <barry%ames.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Reading Apple II Disks
> In truth, the apple is 'softer' sectoring than anybody else - it
> doesn't look at the sector hole(s) *AT ALL*. Therefore one can use
> in the apple either soft or hard sectored disks providing that you
> format them first. It is this 'softer' sectoring that makes the
> apple weird - all other normal machine do look at the index hole -
> a hard sectored disk drives them wild.
We got in a shipment of hard-sectored disks for our Apples by
mistake. I attempted to use them, as I could also see no reason the Apple
couldn't use hard-sectored disks (you are of course right about the Apple
using soft sectoring). Well, the hard sectored disks formatted perfectly,
and *seemed* to work at first, but quickly began to get habitual write
errors. These were good, name-brand disks, by the way.
I can't fault your logic - I still don't understand why the hard-
sectored disks didn't work. But I thought I'd better warn those who want
to try it to be cautious - don't be too quick to commit valuable files
to these disks.
- From the Crow's Nest - Kenn Barry
NASA-Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA
USENET: {ihnp4,vortex,dual,hao,menlo70,hplabs}!ames!barry