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Date   : Sat, 13 Apr 1985 00:11:37 GMT
From   : Mike Mueller <mike%vice.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: CP/M vs ADDS MultiVision

Does anyone have any information on:

   1.  The compatability of their MUON operating system with CP/M.
       Hint: I have been told it is an "extended" CP/M BDOS?

   2.  Disk format.  I know it's double sided, but that's about all.
       Is it similar to any other format (eg, KAYPRO).

Since this is not likely to be of general interest, replys by mail would
be appreciated.


         Mike Mueller

uucp:    {decvax,harpo,ihnss,pur-ee,ucbvax,unc,zehntel}!teklabs!vice!mike
ARPA:    vice!mike.tek@Rand-Relay                  
CSnet:   vice!mike@tek
US Mail: Mike Mueller, Tektronix, Inc.
         Box 500  MS 59-323, Beaverton OR  97077
Phone:   (503)627-3187
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