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Date   : Sun, 14 Apr 1985 05:13:41 GMT
From   : "R.Thomas" <rbt%sftig.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Need technical info on PCPI Applicard CPM for the Apple II

Does anyone know where to get-nuts-and-bolts technical information
about the PCPI Applicard?  I was recently given one as a gift by
someone who got it for free as part of a package with wordstar
software.  He already had a CPM card for his Apple II clone, so he
didn't need the Applicard, and gave it to me.  Unfortunately the
documentation he got with it is *very basic*, tells you how to plug it
in and run wordstar on it, period!  I dont want to run wordstar, but I
would like to run Turbo Pascal on it, and the things I want to do with
it involve needing to know the details of the communication between
the 6502 and the Z80.

Pointers to good books would be most helpful.

Replys by email and I will summarize for the net if there is enough

Thanks in advance

Rick Thomas
{most any backbone site, including akgua and ihnp4}!attunix!rbt
(201)-522-6062 10AM-6PM East Coast time.
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