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Date   : Sat, 20 Apr 1985 05:00:00 GMT
From   : Sam Chin <tsc2597%acf4.uucp@BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: 64K dynamic ram query


How does one tell how fast a 64K dynamic ram is? On Intel CPU's they mark
them with -1 (10Mhz) -2 (8Mhz) -3 (5Mhz). Is there a similiar marking on
dynamic rams? What is the fastest 64K dynamic ram available. I have seen some
advertised at 120ns. Are there 100ns 64K rams?

                                                Sam Chin
                                  ARPAnet:      tsc2597.acf4@nyu
                                  UUCP   :      allegra!cmcl2!acf4!tsc2597
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