Date : Fri, 26 Apr 1985 1051-:00PST
From : MAX.HARTMAN@ames-vmsb.ARPA
Subject: --- remaining inventory ---
Jim Moore (aside from asking about where to buy an Otrona, which
someone else responded to) asked about what happens to the inventory
of a company that folds. I would assume that it gets sold off,
at least that is what happened to some of the old Atari inventory
recently (although Atari just sort of turned over, rather than folding).
A local electronics store bought up a lot of their old stock, and I
got a 300-baud acoustic modem (Atari 830) for $7.50! Places like DAK
probably watch out for things like this too, they bought up all of the
Olivetti Ink-jet printers, and sold them for $199 each, after control
of Olivetti was turned over to a company that was not interested in
maintaining that product. (The above "aquisition" is un-verified, and
mentioned AS REMEMBERED from reading the DAK advertisement for the
printer in question...I do NOT want to start any un-founded rumors
about Olivetti! -rmh) Keep an eye out for bargains such as those
mentioned above when a company runs into problems! (I would not
normally consider buying a 300-baud modem, I was waiting for the
prices on the 1200's to come down after the introduction of the
2400's......but for that price I can even put up w/ the problems
of an acoustic modem.....)
-R. Hartman