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Date   : Mon, 06 May 1985 17:17:26 GMT
From   : Liudvikas Bukys <bukys%rochester.uucp@BRL.ARPA>

[posted for a friend.  don't reply to me.  tell 'em you saw it here on usenet.]

               CP/EM Makes CP/M 80 Available to the IBM-PC

       The ICU Group announces CP/EM - CP/M 80 Emulation that gives
       IBM PC/XT/AT and compatible computers the ability to run
       thousands of CP/M 80 programs without the expense of additional
       coprocessor board.

       CP/EM efficiently emulates the CP/M 80 environment on an MS-DOS
       based personal computer.  CP/EM allows MS-DOS redirection of
       input and output devices to be used to alter device assignments
       allowing CP/EM access to all standard MS-DOS devices and any
       installed device drivers.  CP/EM uses the standard MS-DOS file
       system allowing data files to be shared between CP/M and MS-DOS
       applications.  The Command Interpreter provides all of the
       standard commands provided by the CP/M 80 console command

       Serial communications programs are included with CP/EM to aid
       in the transfer of programs and data between CP/M and the
       MS-DOS computer.

       CP/EM is written in assembly language by the same people that
       implemented the BIOS for the Wang Professional Computer.  Their
       expertise in writing fast efficient programs has been proven in
       many Wang products and now in CP/EM.

       CP/EM runs on any MS-DOS, version 2.0 or later, based personal
       computer with at least 32K of memory available for application

       CP/EM is available now for $79.95.

               Contact:        Michael Klos
                               The ICU Group
                               P.O. Box 10118
                               Rochester, NY  14610
                               +1 716 425 2519

                       [CP/M and MS-DOS are trademarks.]
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