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Date   : Thu, 09 May 1985 09:10:46 CDT (Thursday)
From   : pencin.Dlos@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Dallas Connection RBBS Update

Effective Monday May 13, 1985 The Old RING-BACK mode will be removed
from the Dallas Connection RCPM. A new dedicated phone line has been
installed along with a 300/1200/2400 baud modem with autobaud
recognition. No <CR>'s  necessary on entry.

The Dallas Connection RCP/M RBBS .................... (214) 238-1016
   Russ Pencin; (3BC;12M); CP/M, MS-DOS, dBase, ZCRPXX Public Domain.
   Xerox 820 special interest. Limited access FREE; full access one-
   time $10. 2400 baud available. Simtel20 access.  (Dallas) (NN:05/85)
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