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Date   : Thu, 09 May 1985 14:31:00 PDT
From   : Gibbs.es@XEROX.ARPA
Subject: Z80 Single Board Computer For Sale

I have a couple of Insight SBC-128 Single Board Computers for Sale for
$200 each. These boards come with CP/M 2.2 and the following features:

o  4 MHZ Z80, SIO, PIO, CTC and DMA.
o  128K bank switched RAM, 16K common, 16K track buffer and 2 48K banks.
o  Floppy Disk Controller for up to 4 5 1/4 and 4 8" drives
simutaneously with
   track buffering for improved disk performance.
o  5 volt only power supply requirment. RS232 + and - 12V power supplys
    created on-board.
o  Two RS-232 ports
o  One SASI interface port.
o  One 50 pin expansion bus
o  One centronics parallel port.
o  Eight inch disk profile/size.
I also have software and hardware modifications for interfacing to the
Micropolis 1200 series 8" 40 megabyte hard disks.

Karl Gibbs
Xerox Corp.
(213) 536-5353  days
(213) 423-4114  evenings
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