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Date   : Fri, 10 May 1985 21:08:58 EDT
From   : Rex Buddenberg <BUDDENBERGRA@USC-ISI.ARPA>
Subject: YAM/MODEM new generations

Charlie Strom mentions an overhaul of MODEM/YAM apparantly in the
offing.  First, let me compliment all the folks that made MODEM7 et al
operate as well as it does -- Ward Christiansen and conspiracy
have done well.
       Now some suggestions when the new model is worked up:
-*-*- Larger blocks will improve throughput on quiet lines, and that
capability is a worthwhile pursuit.  But some of us live with noisy lines,
at least some of the time.  The option of reverting back to smaller
blocks should be preserved for that and compatability reasons.
-*-*-  Has anyone considered adding error correcting coding?  There exists
a CCITT standard.  Since processing power is cheaper than communications
power, this might be worthwhile.
-*-*-  A little systems integration might be in order here.  To
do business, I need MODEM7 to work with my micro friends and Kermit
to talk to the net.  Could we all get together?
-*-*-  Suggest writing the code in as high a level language a practical
to facilitate porting.
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