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Date   : Sun, 12 May 1985 03:49:00-EDT
Subject: Tausworthe Random Nr Generator


A while ago I offered access to a pretty nice (and different) random
number generator using the Tausworthe Algorithm as implemented by
Prof. Arne Thesen et al.

I fixed it up a bit (mainly bells and whistles), and it's now a pretty
nice demo program (to include a distribution display).

If anyone found the original interesting/useful, feel free to grab this
version.  It's available via anonymous FTP from my host, USC-ISID, in
my directory, ABN.ISCAMS, under the file name:

Any feedback would be appreciated.  If any good at all (my Pascal is still
pretty shabby), you might let the wizards/archivists at SIMTEL20 know.

David Kirschbaum
Toad Hall
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