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Date   : Mon, 13 May 1985102:35:00-MDT
From   : Steve Noland <NOLAND@usc-isi.ARPA>
Subject: PATCH18A.LBR now available from SIMTEL20

Now available from SIMTEL20:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

PATCH18A.LBR.1                 BINARY   66176  2D51H

PATCH18A.LBR is by Bill Rink.  We think that this one is pretty
bullet-proof.  Please route any bug reports to me, so we can get them
to the author.

Note: There is an error in the terminal setup for Zenith equipment
(H/Z89, 90, 100).  The reverse-video control codes are reversed.  You
can fix this during the configuration sequence, and the data file
stays fixed.  This is a flaw in the TurboPascal install utility.

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