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Date   : Thu, 16 May 1985109:42:00-MDT
From   : "Ross A. Alford" <alford%ecsvax%mcnc.csnet@csnet-relay.ARPA>
Subject: REFS update available

I've found a small bug in my Turbo Pascal REFS program that slipped
through all my initial testing.  If it reads a file that happens to be
a multiple of 128 bytes in length and not end with a ^Z, it tries to
read past EOF.  A <= sign is in the distributed version where there
should be a <.

The new version is now available from SIMTEL20 as:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

REFS13.LBR.1                   BINARY   12288  E598H

A short review of what REFS is:

REFS finds references in scientific manuscripts.  It will list references
found and the number of times they are occur to a file, a printer, or
the system console.  It  should work with references of the forms:

       Smith, 1980                   |Smith (1980)
       Smith, 1980a                  |Smith (1980a)
       Smith, 1980a, b               |Smith (1980a, b)
       Smith, 1980a, 1980b           |Smith (1980a, 1980b)
       Smith and Smith, 1980         |Smith and Smith (1980)
       Smith et al., 1980            |Smith et al. (1980)
       Smith's 1980                  |Smith's (1980)
       Smith, Smith, and Smith, 1980 |Smith, Smith, and Smith (1980)
       Smith-Smythe and Smith 1980

and with most any similar style.  It also allows the last digit of the
year to be replaced by a letter, as Smith, 198x, for cases where the
exact date is uncertain.  It may not work entirely properly on
references in tabular formats, specifically if a reference of the form
Smith 1980a,b is split between lines so that the 'b' is widely
separated from the 'a'.

Month, year dates, as July, 1980, also are treated as references.  You
never know when some person might have the same name as a month.

Please let me know of any bugs found, bug fixes made, or improvements

Ross Alford
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