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Date   : Sat, 18 May 1985 23:27:22 GMT
From   : valencia%vger.uucp@BRL.ARPA
Subject: XCOMP computer co.

   For some of you, this will be a repost. However, I got nary a nibble
with the limited domain I last chose, so I am now posting to a larger
audience. Please give me a hand if you know of this company, as I am
currently stuck. Thanks...

   I recently bought a pair of XCOMP cards--a hard disk controller
card, and a Z-80 S-100 host interface card. Without doc. I know, but
the price was RIGHT. My normal sources have availed me nought in
locating this company, so now I appeal to net-readers. Can someone
pass me the address, phone #, what-have-you for this company? Please
respond to this message via net.micro.cpm, as I am solemnly assured
that netmail otherwise doesn't make it in here.

                               Thanks in advance,
                               Andy Valencia
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