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Date   : Tue, 21 May 1985 07:58:18 EDT
From   : "Jack H. Smith" <jhsmith@crdc-vax2.ARPA>
Subject: XCOMP, INC. address, etc.

       In reply to Andy Valencia's request for information regarding
Xcomp, INC. , here is what I've found in 'DATA SOURCES' 4th quarter 
of 1984 issue.

       XCOMP, INC.
       3554 Ruffin Rd., S.
       San Diego, Ca. 92123

       phone - 619-573-0077
       TLX: 182-786

       Hope this helps Andy.

                               Yours Truly,

                               Jack H. Smith
                               S & E applications
                               CRDC, A.P.G., Md. 21010

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