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Date   : Tue, 21 May 1985 09:20:49-EDT
Subject: Re: Heath/Zenith Micros

Here on the DDN (Arpanet/milnet) where your message appeared on INFO-CPM,
we have several mailing lists currently in place that you can easily
link up with.   There is HEATH-PEOPLE@MIT-MC for H8, H19, H89, Z90, etc.
which lately has been having very little traffic (about 2 a month).

I personally am the moderator of INFO-HZ100@RADC-TOPS20 which has medimum
to heavy traffic daily covering the H/Z-110/120 and MS-DOS, etc.

INFO-IBMPC@USC-ISIB covers the IBM machines and its clones (Z-150, Z-200).

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