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Date   : Thu, 23 May 1985 22:42:38 GMT
From   : "Bradley S. Brahms" <brahms%spp3.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Memory/MS-DOS boards

>   Does anyone out there know of the cheapest/most reliable way to get 128k
> or MS-DOS running on a Kaypro IV?  I'd especially like to hear from people
> who have MS-DOS running on their machine.  Answers can go directly to me
> if you wish...

Isn't the Kaypro IV Z-80 based?  If so, MS-DOS can't run on it.

                       -- Brad Brahms
                          usenet: {decvax,ucbvax,ihnp4}!trwrb!trwspp!brahms
                          arpa:   Brahms@usc-eclc
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