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Date   : Mon, 27 May 1985109:39:00-MDT
From   : CLEMENTS@bbng.ARPA
Subject: W0RLI Packet Radio Mailbox/BBS/GateWay system Version 9.3

Now available from SIMTEL20:

Filename                       Type     Bytes   CRC

PACKET93.LBR.1                 BINARY  219648  0C0BH

PACKET93.LBR contains the files that make up version 9.3 of the W0RLI
Packet Radio MailBox/BBS/GateWay system.

This system runs on the following hardware:

       Xerox 820-1 computer (the ones that were available for $50,
                             and are still around for not much more),
       one or more 8" single density, single or double sided disk drives,
       parallel keyboard, CRT monitor.

Packet Radio gear:
       One or Two TAPR (or AEA) TNCs with version 3.1 or later software.
               (Two TNCs if you are going to run a crossband Gateway.)

Radio gear:
       One or two transceivers.

The W0RLI software supports sending, receiving and forwarding mail,
uploading and downloading files, capturing typescripts, logging
channel activity and mailbox activity, and gateway operation between
two TNCs on two bands.

Read the file NOTES.TNC to start working your way through the

Hank would appreciate knowing of users who are running this software.
A QSL to Hank or a net message to me would be appreciated.

Here is Hank's update from the February 1985 NEPRA PacketEar:

   The MailBox/GateWay has now been sent to 25 states and 5 countries.
As far as I know for sure, it is on the air at least 20 places now. In
the Boston area, 4000 messages have passed through it. The local
forwarding network now includes 9 nodes: W0RLI, WB2OSZ, WB1DSW, K1BC,
WA2RRKN-2, K7PYK, WA4SZK, KA1T, W1AW-4. The last two run their own
software, but allow for forwarding from the W0RLI systems.

   A message put into any one of these systems will find its way to
the system nearest the intended recipient.

   There are several other areas of the country now using the
software:  Georgia, Arizona, Iowa, Washington DC, Seattle, ENY/NYC/NNJ,
Dallas, Illinois, Southern New Jersey, Los Angeles have all been heard
from. All have the software in daily use.

   Expect to see it on Oscar-10 at KL7GNG soon.

   Look for it from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hungary.

   Sacramento county RACES will be using it.

   GateWays are running at W0RLI, K7PYK, WA4SZK and WB7DCH.

                                       de Hank Oredson, W0RLI

The following is an extract from the file NOTES.TNC for version
9.3 of the W0RLI MailBox and GateWay software.  This extract 
contains the list of changes since the last distribution to the
SIMTEL20 repository, which was version 8.6.

W0RLI, Hank, does not have access to either ARPANET or USENET.
I will be glad to try to answer questions or to relay them to Hank.
I can be reached at:

   USENET:     {ihnp4, decvax, linus, ...}!bbncca!clements

Bob Clements

--- excerpt from NOTES.TNC follows ---

     W0RLI MailBox and GateWay   Version 9.3 - 5/16/85

Created and distibuted to the packet community by:

  Hank Oredson, W0RLI
  19 North Hill Road
  Westford, MA 01886

These notes are rough, more release notes and tech notes than
anything else. A SYSOPS Manual (Very nice, 25 pages or so) is
available for 8-1/2 x 11 SASE ($1.24 postage) from:

  Jon Pearce, WB2MNF
  109 Pine Cone Trail
  Medford, NJ 08055

A very nice log file analyzer was written by:

  Tom Hogan, WB7DCH
  26911 S E 456 St.
  Enumclaw, WA 98022

I have included this on the release disk as LFA.COM.

Release notes, Version 9.3 :

In version 9.0, there was a change to the structure of the mail
file. When TNC is first run, it will update the mail file to
the new structure. This is done by doing an untangle. Don't panic
when this happens the first time you run version 9.3!

     Changes and additions since version 9.2 are:

Added privelege A and B, excluded on A or B ports.
Removed LA and LN, was bad idea.
Support for S W0RLI @ K1BC installed...
Added H local command: short / long menu (=Help).
Added $X, $Y, $Z : Date, time, current msg # at last login.
Verify for files specified in config.tnc that the drive
is on line and write enabled.
L now lists new, LN same, LA lists all.
Faster forward - send "S XXX" and title then eat 2 lines.

     Changes and additions since version 9.1 are:

Much faster untangle.
D, DP, DU for remote sysop.
CP ON/OFF and CR ON/OFF for remote sysop.

     Changes and additions since version 9.0 are:

"Remote sysop" feature added.
Better handling of user record currency.
Excluded user disconnected with no "bye" message.
Fixed bug - long packets not get monitored properly.
Added ki4xo changes for 5" to boot, sbios, cbios.
Added GM, GU, OA, OB, C <call>.

     Changes and additions since version 8.9 are:

Some changes to CBIOS thanks to ke1g give faster disk I/O
Added user privilege check. If E, then user is excluded from
use of the MailBox. N is used for normal user, and is default.
Fixed connect bug - now conok on is last sent, conok off is first.
Most searches go most recent first.
Added LL (List Last n), and LN (List New).
User file version 1, and DU - Display Users, EU - Edit Users.
Mail file structure version 2, back chaining of msg headers.
N menu item, rename file.

     Changes and additions since version 8.8 are:

Fixed (again) the disconnect process.
Added DP - page mode.
G menu item replaces UNTANGLE, GR to renumber the messages.
L and private msg, show only to owner/sender/addressee.

     Changes and additions since version 8.7 are:

Name of CONFIG.TNC file can be specified at execution time:
TNC OLDCFG.TNC or TNC NEWCFG.TNC for example. Defaults to CONFIG.TNC
if not specified.

The names for files CALLS.TNC, FWD.TNC, LOG.TNC specified in CONFIG.TNC
Installed ke1g improved cbios. Thank you Bill.
Y replaced by YC, YF, YL, switch calls, forward, or log files.
Fixed (I hope) the "Can't DISCONNECT, Link state is..." bug.
Added Z (delete file) to local menu.
X menu item forces forward regardless of hours given in FWD.TNC.
Was not passing "*** LINKED to" thru from next GateWay.
Not allow GateWay connect line with "tran" at end.

     Changes and additions since version 8.6 are:

Fixed (again!) the lack of timeout when bombarded with con req.
Added UA (append) option to local menu.
Fixed dayclock month rollover.
Split EDMSG, FWD, MBFILE as separate routines.

--- End of extract ---
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