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Date   : Tue, 28 May 1985 10:19:53 EDT
From   : David Towson (SECAD) <towson@AMSAA.ARPA>
Subject: Finding mail paths to UUCP sites.

Fellow CP/Mers - I have been wanting to pass this on, but I just now found
where I had it stashed.  Those fortunates who can telnet to harvard will find
their UUCP path service extremely useful.


----- Forwarded message # 1:

Date: Wed, 6 Mar 85 10:13:23 EST
From: Marc Elvy <hscfvax!elvy@hsphuc>
To: info-nets%mit-oz@MIT-MC.ARPA
Subject: Re:  ARPA -> UUCP

Yes, if you send precisely that address (user%site.uucp) to harvard.arpa
(so, user%site.uucp@harvard.arpa), the mail will be forwarded correctly.
This is due to the pathalias database that is kept on harvard.  Furthermore,
if you want to see the address (path), you can run "pathto site" (if your
site is running the pathto code I distributed in the fall), or simply
telnet harvard on port 117 and type the name of the site.

If you want the pathto stuff, I can send it to you.


P.S.  Note that this mailer is probably sending out incorrect return
       addresses (we are working on it).  You can reply to

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