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Date   : Tue, 28 May 1985 17:19:57 GMT
From   : "R.Thomas" <rbt%sftig.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: RAMWORKS w/RGB option ?

While we are on the subject, does anybody know if there is a ramdisk
driver for the PCPI applicard that works with the RAMWORKS card?  (I.e,
that uses the RAMWORKS memory for its ramdisk.)  Presumably if there were
one it would also work with the Apple 80 col card.  Please save me from
re-inventing the wheel.  If I can't buy one, I will have to write it

Rick Thomas
 {ihnp4, akgua, sdcsvax, just about anywhere}!attunix!rbt

> I am soliciting reviews from users of the RAMWORKS w/ RGB option
> by Applied Engineering.
> Is it really equivalent to Apple's card with respect to double
> hi-res and all the mixed modes ?
> Is the ram disk software difficult to use and require tedious set-up ?
> AE's technician says a 256k version can simulate one large disk volume
> or two regular size ones.  Anyone doing this ?
> What RGB monitors are you using it with ?
> Is all the extra memory really worth it ?( I don't use Appleworks)
> Or is anybody using Video-7's Vcolor //e ? If so, how does it
> compare with Apple's card ?
> I'd also like to know of any other //e rgb cards that support d-hires.
> Thank you.
> -- 
> {ucbvax, ittvax!dcdwest, akgua, decvax, ihnp4}!sdcsvax!sdcc3!loral!hlb
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