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Date   : Wed, 29 May 1985 09:05:00 EDT
From   : dca-pgs@DDN1.ARPA
Subject: Coleco Adam Query

Don't laugh, but is anyone out there doing anything
with the Coleco Adam? It (barely) qualifies for this
list because it apparently will run CP/M software with
the Enhancement-3 package.  The reason I'm asking is that
a retailer here in the DC area is selling the Adam
package (computer/tape drive/keyboard/letter-qual printer/
BASIC/WP SW/games) for $299.95, $200 less than the same
package went for at Xmastime when Coleco was still making
them and claiming that you were a bad parent if you
didn't buy your kid one.

If you want a modem, the AdamLink + comm SW runs $99.95.
They have other add-on goodies (incl the CP/M feature) 
which go for various multiples of $100.00.

I dunno...the base package doesn't look like
the worst deal I've ever seen. Any thoughts?

-Pat Sullivan
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