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Date   : Wed, 29 May 1985 20:02:23 GMT
From   : "R.Thomas" <rbt%sftig.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: BORLAND TURBO PASCAL - New release (CP/M Version) (Really how to contact TUG)

How does one get hold of Tug Lines (I presume that Tug is some kind of Turbo
User's Group)
Rick Thomas
{akgua,ihnp4,sdcsvax,just about anywhere}!attunix!rbt

> Turbo Pascal V2.0 does indeed handle recursion correctly if you set the
> appropriate compiler directive. The latest Tug Lines has a list of all 
> known bugs in the compiler and recursive use of Var parameters was not
> one of them. V3.0 for CP/M does not buy you much more than a new manual.
> --Chuck intelca!cem

Re the above -- Has anybody actually tried it?
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