Date : Tue, 04 Jun 1985 21:13:38 GMT
From : Kenn Barry <barry%ames.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Need modem program for CP/M 68K (summary)
I haven't been able to send individual responses to all the many
people who answered my request for help in finding a modem program for
a CP/M-68K system, so I'd like to say "thanks" to all of you here; I
was most gratified at the number of helpful responses I received.
The most common recommendation was for YAM, for which there is
source code (in C) on SIMTEL20. Also recommended were KERMIT, and Lmodem,
a short C program which was published in Byte.
None of these, of course, are specifically for CP/M-68K systems,
though they could be adapted. Fortunately, a couple of people who responded
had versions of either Xmodem or KERMIT that had been adapted for CP/M-68K,
and I'm hoping to receive this code shortly.
By the way, we solved our immediate problem (files on the ERG
that needed to be sent to UN*X *quickly*) by hooking an Apple II to the
ERG as a terminal, capturing the files on Apple disks, and then hooking
up the Apple as a UN*X terminal and porting the files once more. A kluge,
but a successful one. With luck, we'll have a better system ready for
the next batch of files.
Thanks again to all who responded to my request for help.
- From the Crow's Nest - Kenn Barry
NASA-Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA
USENET: {ihnp4,vortex,dual,nsc,hao,hplabs}!ames!barry