Date : Tue, 25 Jun 1985 15:36:58 EDT
From : David Roth (Ft. Benj. Harrison) <droth@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Wanted: Physical Fitness software/study...
We are in need of advice on selecting a Physical Fitness
Statistical Package. We would like it to be written in UCSD
Pascal for the p-system (SAGE IV).
Since we are starting from ground zero on this project any pointers
would be quite helpful. If you have at least done a "systems analyst"
study of such a package (any machine) please reply.
So far we have not been able to locate a package for any machine.
Thanks in advance.
David A. Roth
ARPANET: droth@brl-bmd
(317) 542-4298
AUTOVON: 699-4298