Date : Sun, 14 Jul 1985100:52:00-MDT
From : Mike Niswonger <CNISWONGER@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: New files on SIMTEL20 - Z3NEWS.206 207 and SB180.TQT
I have uploaded two of the latest Z3NEWS files, 206 and 207 to
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.ZCPR3>
Z3NEWS.2Q6.1 BINARY 7040 4054H
Z3NEWS.2Q7.1 BINARY 11520 12F8H
I also uploaded a file called SB180.TQT, which is a description of the
new Micromint single board CP/M system using the Hitachi 64180 chip.
SB180.TQT.1 BINARY 7040 A611H
- Mike