Date : Thu, 18 Jul 1985 16:46:00 MDT
Subject: 1k blockas arrive!
At long last, we have an Xmodem that supports 1K blocks. The protocol,
to be added to both the public domain and proprietary versions of Mex,
is Ymodem, the YAM protocols to Christensen protocol. Ward has
indicated that in his Byte article extending his protocol (yet to be
written, but "real soon now"), he will give Ymodem his blessing.
Please see the RELEASE.NTE file in the library for further details.
Note that XMDM108 was released before we were made aware of
XMDM107.FX2. The latter file is not in the library and the corrections
therein should be made to XMDM108.
Filename Type Bytes CRC
Directory MICRO:<CPM.RCPM>
XMDM107.FIX.1 ASCII 1349 C336H
XMDM107.FX2.1 ASCII 1569 5901H
XMDM108.LBR.1 BINARY 106112 7355H