Date : Mon, 26 Aug 1985 13:58:26 GMT
From : Andy Cohill <amc%whuts.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Arf! Arf! programs
> Mr. Streeter loaded into his computer a program that
> was billed as enhancing his IBM program's graphics;
> instead it instantly wiped
> out the 900 accounting, word processing
> and game programs he had stored in
> his computer over the years. All that was left was a taunt glowing back
> at him from the screen: "Arf! Arf! Got You!"
"Can you say "back-up", boys and girls? Ah knew you could..."
I'm not endorsing the actions of the arf! arf! posters, but any twit
that doesn't back-up his files gets what he deserves.
Andy Cohill