Date : Wed, 28 Aug 1985 11:55:00 EST
From : haar%gmr.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA
Subject: CONIX
I am considering adding a UNIX-like shell to my CP/M system. I am
currently looking at CONIX and ZCPR.
Would any of you with experience with either of these or with
recommendations for alternatives please reply to me at
I will forward replies to anyone who is intested or to INFO-CPM
if there is enough interest.
The features that I am looking for are:
- compatible with CP/M 3.0 at the BDOS level
(retains banked memory and disk caching)
- compatible with all CP/M software that uses
standard system calling conventions
- provides I/O redirection in a UNIX-like fashion
- hierachical, named directories
- automatic path searches including overlay files
- shell command language including variables, conditionals,
loops, and nested shell scripts
I would appreciate any information you can provide.
Bob Haar, G.M. Research Labs
{insert ususal disclaimers here}