Date : Thu, 12 Sep 1985 11:36:27 PDT
From : crash!kevinb@SDCSVAX.ARPA
Subject: Re: Info(S-100) on Seattle 16K Plus,PMMI MM-103 program
Thanks for the info, my documentation is more than a little confusing on
the DIP settings. Mine are arranged as in the following illus.:
1 2 3 4 5 6
o o o O O O
- - - - - -
O O O o o o
where O is down, o is up.
I assume that this is the address E000. Am I right?
Also, are you aware of any schematics for the auxilary interface for this?
I'm interested in trying out a scheme for power-up on phone ring, answer.
This would be for a small remote system I have in mind, otherwise I would
just leave it running 24hrs/day, or so.
Kevin J. Belles - UUCP {ihnp4,cbosgd,sdcsvax,noscvax}crash!kevinb
~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ - ARPA crash!kevinb@{ucsd,nosc}.ARPA