Date : Sun, 03 Nov 1985 23:38:32-EST
From : Andrew Moore <T.MOORE%MIT-EECS@mit-eecs>
Subject: Help with NULU & LRUN
I am having problems using LRUN23 with libraries created under NULU.
Can .COM files within NULU libraries be run with LRUN23?
A>LRUN23 GENCOM.LBR STAT.COM ;this just returns me to CP/M
...and so do variations on that command ("-GENCOM.LBR, -GENCOM, etc). I
LRUN23 does not seem to work on LU310 libraries for me either. I am
trying to use these utlities on a Sider hard drive under Apple II+ CP/M
(microsoft-compatible card). Any suggestions on how to get a working
library going? Panic.
(mail directly; I am not on info-cpm. Thanks in advance)