Date : Thu, 07 Nov 1985 11:11:43 pst
From : "Curtis C. Generous" <generous@lll-tis-b.ARPA>
Subject: Re: WordStar to ASCII
In article <15584@styx.UUCP> you write:
>Date: 7 November 1985, 08:47:51 PST
>From: Bebo White (415) 854-3300 x2907 BEBO at SLACVM
>Subject: WordStar to ASCII
>Does anyone have a program/utility that I can run on my CompuPro 816
>to convert WordStar files to straight ASCII?
>Thanks in advance for your help.
> Bebo White
> Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
There is a utility program which is part of the TURBO POWER
TOOLS which does exactly what you want. I can't seem to find
the source code anywhere, but if I do, I will be glad to tell
you exactly how it is done.
If my memory does not fail me, you might want to try this
command, which I suspect might also work:
PIP ascii.fil = wordstar.fil [Z]
The Z option masks out the most significant bit from the
source file. I believe that WS uses that bit for it's
internal use. Let me know if this works.
Curtis C. Generous
Tel: (415) 422-6907
Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Dept L-275
POB 808
Lawrence, CA 94550