Date : Fri, 08 Nov 1985 19:04:55-EST
From : Andrew Moore <T.MOORE@mit-eecs>
Subject: Apple ZCPR3 help
I have managed to install the ZCPR3 operating system on my Apple II+,
but it's the 56k version. What I need is 60k CP/M 2.23 under ZCPR3 in order
for it to work with the hard drive (it accepts only 60k 2.23). Does anyone
have ZCPR3 on a 60k CP/M 2.23 floppy disk? If so, I can easily copy its
CP/M image to the hard drive, and I should be all set; please reply if you
have this. (I have tried, unsuccessfully, to use a BIOS patch called
Z3AP60.ASM, which is supposed to do just what I want; upon cold boot, the
drive keeps tring to access part of the disk over and over again, but
that's about it).