Date : Thu, 14 Nov 1985 07:17:22 GMT
From : Mike Kersenbrock <michaelk%azure.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: CP/M 3.0 query
In article <3118@brl-tgr.ARPA> ACB.COR@OFFICE-1.ARPA (Alan Bomberger) writes:
>Well, only n years late I took the plunge and revised my 2.2 BIOS for
my aging
>Northstar Horizon to CP/M 3. Next weekend I will look into implementing a
>banked version, though from what I hear my Disk Cache BIOS performs better
>the CP/M 3 LRU buffer. QUERY? Console Paging Mode is nice but... How do you
>stop it from putting out the Dreaded Control X after each pause. And
why is it
>putting out a Control X anyway. Control X puts a WYSE terminal to sleep (why
>they did that is a good question as well)
>In case you ask why CP/M 3...I am converting my Write-Hand-Man product
to CP/M
>3.0 because of popular demand. I may even try TurboDos if I could get it
>configured for a Northstar Horizon.
I don't know about the ^X, but when I implemented CP/M 3.0 "n years ago",
I just gave the O.S. a couple blocks, and cached the disks myself. I'm
currently using 256K in a banked configuration (top 16K fixed, and 5 48K
banks) "soon" to be 1MB w/21 banks w/RAMDISK as well. Actually I like
3.0 a lot better than 2.2. At very least my files have timestamps, and
I've implemented a "make" facility which I like quite a lot.
Mike Kersenbrock
Tektronix Software Development Products
Aloha, Oregon