Date : Sat, 21 Dec 1985 01:54:23 GMT
From : Bruce Eckel <morgan%fluke.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: auto-booting a kaypro
> I need some help in trying to figure out a way to get my KayproII to
> autostart a file; I am working towards a "turnkey" system. I am
> running CP/M 2.2. I am familiar with how Northstar did it on their
> boxes running 2.2, but it seems this is different for Kaypro. Any
> advice/pointers would be greatly appreciated.
The easiest way for you to do this is to get Plu*perfect's enhanced
operating system for the Kaypro. Look in a Profiles for the address;
they are in idyllwild CA. Their system has an autoboot configuration
in the CPMCONFIG program. They also have a lot of other nice things;
sort of a commercial ZCPR.
You could also do it by hacking around with the operating system;
apparently there is some space on the system tracks where, if you
insert a command line, it will autoboot that line. I remember reading
about it, but I already had pluperfect so I didn't pay much attention.
It might be in a back issue of micro C (before they went MSDOS; well,
only one issue has come out since that happened, but I am still a bit
shocked at David Thompson -- last summer at SOG, he said he would
support CP/M tp the grave. I didn't realize he meant *it's* grave).
Bruce Eckel