Date : Mon, 30 Dec 1985 12:31:47 EST
From : mjs <@purdue.ARPA (Mike Spitzer):mjs@purdue-ecn-ee.ARPA>
Subject: Re: 8251 Usart
Thanks for your quick reply. First of all, let me give you a little
background about this computer(Royal Alphatronic PC). According to Royal,
the only way to change the baud rate is by a hardwired jumper on the
main PCB. But, like I said, I've been able to change it as long as I
don't try to send data out. When I send something out, everything locks
up and I must do a cold boot. This mystifies me, because everything that
I am doing seems to make sense. Here's my setbaud.asm:
MCNTR EQU 41H ;Modem control port
RESET EQU 01000000B ;Value for port reset
MINIT1 EQU 01111010B ;Value for 1 stop bit, even parity,
; 7 data bits, 16X baud rate
MINIT2 EQU 00010101B ;Value for Error reset, transmit
;enable, receive enable
ORG 100H
INITIALISE: MVI A,RESET ;Puts 8251 in instruction mode
MVI A,MINIT1 ;sets up baud, etc.
MVI A,MINIT2 ;Puts 8251 back in normal mode
This is pretty self explanatory, I guess... and it SHOULD work, but
there must be something that I'm missing...
Let me know what you can come up with.
Thanks again,