Date : Wed, 26 Feb 1986 00:01:11-EST
From : "Ralph W. Hyre, Jr." <Ralph.Hyre@cmu-cs-c.ARPA>
Subject: Need CP/M Kermit help
Here's my hardware configuration:
64K Apple ][+ w/ PCPI AppliCard (coprocessor card - not MicroSoft compat.)
Prometheus VersaCard in slot 2 (6850-based serial port)
Apple-Cat modem in slot 4 (w/212 card in slot 7)
I need help getting a version of kermit running on my Apple CP/M system.
Given my strange hardware configuration, I am momentarily restricted to what
the built-in drivers provide me, and I'm not even sure that my CP/M boots up
with a serial driver.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
- Ralph