Date : Sat, 15 Mar 1986 16:34:34 EST
From : Matt Kimmel <Matt%UMass.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>
Subject: PBBS
I just read Keith Peterson's letter about the new PBBS. I'd like
to get a copy of it, but I don't have access to a host directly
connect to the ARPANet, and I can't afford to download it from
Dallas at 300 baud (I live in Massachusetts). So, could anyone
out there who has it or can download it conveniently send me a
copy? I run CP/M 3.0 on a Commodore 128 and 1571 disk drive. The
drive can read Kaypro II, Kaypro IV, Osborne DD, and Epson QX-10
5 1/4" disks. I am willing to send a disk and return postage, but I
can't format disks except in the Commodore format, so I can't send
a formatted disk.
Thanks in advance!!
Matt Kimmel