Date : Fri, 18 Apr 1986 04:52:00 EST
From : "Bruce H. McIntosh" <Z8BHM%SCFVM.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>
Subject: (none)
I have the Mix C compiler, and while the manual looks VERY good, I
have yet to get my machine to read the fool disks! I have a Heath
H 89 with 40 track ds disks, and that is the format I ordered from Mix,
and the format that Mix says it sent me. However, I can't read the
disks on the 40 track drives, nor on a recently-purchased 80 track
drive. However, I HAVE successfully read the disks on a neighbor's
H 89 with 80 track drives. The disks, as it turns out, are indeed
recorded in the Heath 40 track format. As yet, I still have not been
able to get the fool things read on my machine! The problem is driving
me up a wall.
As to the compiler itself, several of the folks at the Baltimore Heath
Users Group think quite highly of the compiler. One caveat about the
manual: The type style used in the manual doesn't distinguish between
the number 1 and a lowercase letter l. This has caused some confusion.