Date : Mon, 26 May 1986 17:29:49 EDT
From : "Peter E. Lee" <FULIGIN%UMass.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>
Subject: request for software pointers
I work as a programmer in the psychology department at the University
of Massachusetts (Amherst). My co-workers and I work on Gifford CompuPros
running CP/M-80, CP/M-86, and MP/M-8/16, doing program development primarily
in C (Aztec CII, and Optimizing C86). Unfortunately, we have been unable to
to find any lint programs or pretty-printers that can run in a CP/M
environment, which makes de-bugging even more of a hassle than usual.
If anyone out there knows of such programs, either commercially
available or in the public domain, or can find C source code to one or both,
pointers would be greatly appreciated.
-Peter E. Lee
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