Date : Wed, 23 Jul 1986 08:43:17 GMT
From : Peter Arrgh Korn <korn@pavepaws.ucb-vax.ARPA>
Subject: Plea for help
I have an old SuperBrain system, and I recently purchased an IBM
clone. All of my files are in Lexisoft's Spellbinder, and for the
life of me, I can't get XenoCopy or Uniform to read the disk and
get the files off.
Does anyone out there have ANY ideas? Also, where can I pick up
a terminal program for my SuperBrain (and thus transfer via the
serial port)? And finally, does anyone out there have the
pinouts for the SuperBrain?
Many many thanks to anyone who can help!
(and a bottle of your favorite beer to the one who's fix works!)
Peter Korn "Fred Astaire? Ginger Rogers did
korn@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU everything he did, backwards
{dual,decvax,sdcsvax}!ucbvax!korn and in high heels!"