Date : Sat, 09 Aug 1986 13:08:44 -0800
From : Jerry Sweet <jsweet@uci-icsa.ARPA>
Subject: Re: BDS C on an Apple //e
I have a related experience that might help. It seems that when I
tried to install the 60K version of Microsoft CP/M on my Apple ][ Plus,
BDS C would roll over and croak. I was forced to go back to 56K CP/M.
I hypothesize that in 60K CP/M, Microsoft folds the CCP (and possibly
other parts of CP/M) into the alternative 4K memory bank on the
language card, and BDS C makes direct use of memory locations or
routines in the CCP.
Conclusion: you must somehow switch the CCP in and out of the normal
address space during compilation in such a way that BDS C can make use
of both the CCP and the CP/M system services (a difficult, perhaps
impossible task), or use a 56K version of CP/M.