Date : Fri, 22 Aug 1986 11:24:00 EST
Subject: Trying to send '*' within MEX dialing
From: <SECRIST%OAK.SAINET.MFENET@LLL-MFE.Arpa> (Richard C. Secrist)
Date: Fri, 22-AUG-1986 11:25 EST
Header-Disclaimer: I don't like my headers either !
X-VMS-Mail-To: CPM
I am running MEX 1.14 on my Apple (kudos Nightowl !). Anyway, either
with or without the Smartmodem overlay, I can't seem to enter a '*'
as part of the number... it's an invalid number if I do. The MEX doc
says that it doesn't stop you from entering what you want, but I of
course have the source for the overlays I', using and it doesn't do it !
(Sticking to the typical ATDT 1-615-etc. works fine.) I want to do an
'ATDT *70,' to disable my call-waiting. Grumble.
Does anybody dial a '*' into their MEX ? Thanks !
r c s
- - -
P.S.> if you are using the MFE gateway to ARPA from your own subnet and don't
have a double header like I do, could you please tell me how you did it ?