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Date   : Thu, 11 Sep 1986 16:57:12 GMT
From   : Andrew Klossner <andrew%hammer.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Cheap S-100 memory?

Now that RAM chip prices have dropped through the floor ...

Can anyone recommend a cheap board with a huge slug of memory for an
IEEE S-100 system, with memory mapping suitable for CP/M 3?  My CPU
board (a 1978 vintage Ithaca) doesn't do appropriate memory mapping.
In 1983 there was a great little board, with each 4k page independently
mappable, for a couple of grand; seems like it should cost a couple of
hundred by now if still in production.


  -=- Andrew Klossner   (decvax!tektronix!tekecs!andrew)       [UUCP]
                        (tekecs!andrew.tektronix@csnet-relay)  [ARPA]
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