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Date   : Sun, 14 Sep 1986 14:21:36 PDT
From   : Marc Wilson <crash!pnet01!mwilson@NOSC.ARPA>
Subject: AMPRO MULTIFMT utility

     I have a small problem which I hope that those of you out there in
net-land may be able to help me with....

     I have an Ampro LB computer. The BIOS that Ampro supplies with the
machine ( currently v3.8 ) allows reading/writing from approximately sixty
different formats, with a utility included to format about half of them as
well. Problem: I have 2 96-tpi drives... and I need to format a 48-tpi
disk. The read/write routines use something called a "double-step bit" to
enable the 96 track drive to read a 48 track disk. This is done in the
BIOS, and the utilities include an option to set this bit.

     Is there a way to cause the drives to "double-step" so that I can use
the MULTIFMT program, which does *not* include this option? Or is it
impossible? I would appreciate any insights.

Marc Wilson

        ARPA: ...!crash!pnet01!mwilson@nosc             ( preferred )

        UUCP: [ ihnp4 | cbosgd | sdcsvax | noscvax ]!crash!pnet01!mwilson@nosc

     "The difference between science and the fuzzy subjects is that science
      requires reasoning, while those other subjects merely require

                                                      -Lazarus Long

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